The transfer of power is becoming increasingly complicated

After the US presidential election, the transfer of power is becoming more and more complicated as the days go by. Four days after the election results were announced, President Donald Trump is still in a position not to concede defeat.

On the other hand, newly elected President Joe Biden says it is very embarrassing not to acknowledge Trump’s defeat.

The people of the United States are remembering the events of twenty years ago. The Supreme Court ruled in 2000 who would take over the White House. But Seba also conceded defeat to Al Gore. Bush then conceded defeat to Clinton.

On the morning after the 2016 election, the defeated candidate Hillary Clinton congratulated the winner Donald Trump. He also apologized for admitting defeat just a few hours late. President Barack Obama invited Trump to the White House.

But the exception is Donald Trump. He is going to court alleging vote rigging. The president-elect told reporters he did not think he would have to go through any legal process in response.

Meanwhile, Trump administration Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has refused to concede defeat. I think the process of forming a second government under President Donald Trump will be smooth and smooth,he said.

Trump’s Republican camp did not go to court over allegations of vote rigging. The idea is that they are taking time to collect data. As a result, there is no uncertainty about what will happen.

2021-05-04 17:30:33

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